Petrebels is absolutely no Rebel in terms of privacy, we want to guard the privacy very well for you. We just do as it should be. The same way as we want to be treated ourselves when it comes to privacy. We do collect personal data from you but ensure that these are properly protected for third parties. And if we contact you, you will always find an easy option to unsubscribe.
That is everything you really need to know. We screen your data. Never share it with third parties. And you can always unsubscribe, with every e-mail. That is the short and understandable version of this privacy statement.
Anyway, that is legally not enough. Therefore, you’ll find an extended version of our privacy rules below. We have tried to formulate it as simple as possible. If you have any questions about this, you can always email us at . That is an ‘info’ address but there are just real people behind it.
Personal data
When you order a product on our website, we ask you for your personal data. We do not have to know everything about you, but only what is strictly necessary to arrange your order as well as possible. Below is an overview of the personal data we need and why:
- First and last name: So that we know that the order is really for you and not for someone just banging on the door.
- Postal address: We use that to deliver your order.
- E-mail address: We need this to send you a track & trace. We also like to know, later on, what you think of our product and use your email address to ask for it.
- Mobile phone number: Only for emergencies! For last minute changes. Or when something has happened to your order. It can also be that our delivery partners cannot reach you and would like to report this by phone.
- Country where you live: Then we know in which language we must write you. Capiche?
- Bank account: We need this to ensure that you can also pay for your order through our payment system
Furthermore, we store the invoicing data of you or your organization. Because sometimes there are Invoice numbers or other bureaucratic curves that we must take. And you do not want to explain us every time. We register it neatly (but it is about your order and not about you as a person).
We also use your data for the following:
- Customer service: You can call, email and Facebook with us. To make sure that you do not have to tell your story twice, we make short notes about your question. And if a co-worker happens to pick up the phone, he immediately knows what your question was. That is useful for everyone.
- Newsletters: Oh no … no boring newsletter full of ‘products’! Well, at PETREBELS we are going to do something different. We want to make our email updates so bold that you open them with a smile.
But we have not started with newsletters yet. When we are going to do this but … you don’t want them anymore? Under EVERY message you can unsubscribe with one click. Simple right?
- Reviews: We use them in two ways: to help others and to help us:
You can help other people with your review. By sharing your experiences, you give others an even better picture of a product.
You help us with your review in our ‘light manic’ drive to make scratching posts even better. Because we are not happy with an 8, from a 9 we start to shine. And if you give us a review that we really want to know more about, we will email / call you. Sometimes just to thank you. Or to be able to apply your tips really well.
- B2B: Petrebels also delivers by its ‘national’ dealers and by online web shops. It is possible that we sometimes send the products directly to you. This is to save time or to provide warranty. For this we use your data to send a package.
Do you want to view your personal details? Change or remove your data from our system? No problem. Let us know by mail or e-mail: . Sometimes we must keep certain invoice data for the Tax Authorities, but we have an advanced system to anonymize data. Tax authorities happy, you happy.
Who actually has access to your data?
Your personal data will only be shared with third parties for activities that are strictly necessary for the execution of our business activities. And when we have to do this (for example, delivery partners, suppliers, product support, payment partners, IT service providers and parties that collect our reviews), all exchanges are completely ‘privacy-protected’. The parties who gain access to your data may only use these to provide you with a service on behalf of PETREBELS. Both internally – between employees and externally – with suppliers – agreements have been made about this that guarantee confidentiality.
We never sell your data to third parties!
Petrebels shares cookies when you visit our website. We collect data for research to gain a better insight. It makes no sense to put information on a site that nobody reads or see. We always want a website that is as good and clear as possible. For this we use “cookies” (text files placed on your computer) to help the website analyze how visitors use the site.
In addition, we use so-called JavaScript. This allows us to remember what you have done in your shopping basket. Nice and easy, you do not have to do it again and again when you want to finish your order later.
Furthermore, we use cookies such as:
• Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”. Your Ip address (in an anonymous way, not all figures are passed on) is passed on to Google Analytics on a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google uses this information to evaluate your use on the website, to report website operators on the website activities and to offer further services related to website and internet use. If necessary, Google will pass this information on to third parties if this is legally required or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will under no circumstances combine your IP address with other data held by Google.
Petrebels always try to reach you by FACEBOOK. This is very difficult, but we like to do it. We have received a ‘so-called’ Facebook pixel from FACEBOOK and placed it on the website. This allows FACEBOOK to see when you click on a Petrebels advertising. We believe it is important to measure whether the costs incurred by FACEBOOK also yield something.
If you want to use our website in full version, then you need to accept these cookies. Fortunately, this is very simple. You can accept our cookies in two ways: the cookie notification that you see on the first visit or simply continue our website.
More about baking cookies Click here
For how long do we keep your data?
We have a very clear rule in this: we do not store your data longer than you think is desirable. The retention period is related to the purpose with which we have received or collected the data and any legal obligations.
- We do not record phone calls. We do not think that is necessary and not friendly to do this.
- We do not store camera images of our showroom longer than 48 hours. Unless we see something suspicious that we must investigate whether the images should be kept longer because of another legal obligation.
- We delete inactive client accounts after 7 years.
- We must keep our administration with invoice, payment and order data for 7 years for the tax authorities. After that, we only use anonymous data for internal reports. You also must keep the invoices of your purchases.
- If you replace your product at Petrebels, we will keep your report and contact details for 7 years. After that, we only use your data anonymously, for internal reports.
- If you have subscribed to the newsletter in the future or have given permission to receive personalized messages, we will retain that permission for 5 years. Even if you decide at some point that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter or personalized messages, we will retain the withdrawal of your request.
We retain data that we use to prevent fraud for a very long time. Not nice, but necessary.
Choices for personal data
We offer you the opportunity to view, change or delete all personal information you have provided to us. Send us an email to with a request for access, change, data transfer and deletion of your personal data.
If, in your opinion, we do not do it all neatly, we hope that you will let us know. If afterwards you feel that we deserve a stand, you can submit a complaint to the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Securing personal data
As a buyer (REBEL) of our Webshop you are the right to exist of PETREBELS. We do what we do just for you. We would be very silly if we do not take your privacy very seriously.
To protect your personal data, we have taken the following measures:
- Our employees’ servers and devices are equipped with current security software, such as a virus scanner and firewall.
- We only work with top suppliers (Office 365 for our e-mail database, EXACT for our administration) who have their data security in perfect order.
- We only send your data via secure internet connections (TLS, formerly SSL). You can see this at the address bar ‘httpss’ and the green padlock.
- All our people who have access to personal data are trained in carefully handling your data.
Changes, questions and feedback
We regularly check whether we comply with this privacy policy. If you have questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us:
PR-Pet B.V.
Van Leeuwenhoekweg 17
5482TK Schijndel
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)73 6893 140